2021 Early Membership Renewal
Stop the Liberal Media from Unfairly Influencing the Election!

YES, Brent! I agree, the liberal media are waging a war against the American people and are actively trying to rig the 2020 Election with their unfair, dishonest coverage. I want to support the MRC’s campaign to TELL THE TRUTH to the American people and stop the Fake News liberal media’s dangerous plot to rig the 2020 Election. I understand my gift will be matched dollar for dollar up to $100,000 and that meeting this challenge will put $200,000 to work fighting the liberal media. For this reason, I am sending my most generous tax-deductible gift:
Dear Conservative Friend,

I urgently need you to renew your Media Research Center Membership for 2021 early — and I need you to do so IMMEDIATELY!

In a few weeks, you and I and our fellow citizens are supposed to elect our nation’s next president. The American people need honest, accurate information to make that decision.

But millions of voters are being manipulated and lied to by leftist radicals posing as journalists.

Left-wing activist organizations posing as news outlets — like CNN, NBC, the Washington Post, and others — are hell-bent on influencing the election with tens of millions of dollars of Fake News political hit pieces.

Let me stress that the MRC is strictly non-partisan and never takes sides in any elections.

But your past support has helped expose and document that the media have taken sides in this election by working against you, against other American patriots, and against the Constitution to tear down this nation and any candidate who stands in the way of implementing their radical socialist regime.

This is NOT THE MEDIA’S JOB. And you and I only have a few weeks to expose the media’s agenda so the American people can make informed decisions at the ballot box.

That’s why I’m asking you rush me your 2021 voluntary MRC Membership dues TODAY.

Your support is critical to help expose the media’s corruption and get the TRUTH to the American people!

The outrageous, unprecedented, and DANGEROUS propaganda campaign you and I are seeing from the left-wing press will get MUCH, MUCH WORSE in the next few weeks — and beyond into 2021.

YES, Brent, I want to help neutralize the left-wing media’s dangerous plot to unfairly influence the 2020 election. I understand my donation will be MATCHED and DOUBLED up to $450,000 during the Matching Gift Challenge if received by November 3rd. Please accept my tax-deductible Membership Renewal gift in the amount of:

No matter what happens in November, I fear for the future of this nation if you and your fellow patriots don’t respond today.

If President Trump wins re-election, the media’s leftist activism against the American people will go into hyperdrive. If Joe Biden wins, he’ll be a rubber stamp for the media-led effort to trash the Constitution and fundamentally transform America into a socialist “utopia.” So, either way, we MUST be prepared to counter the media’s radical Left agenda.

I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to rush me your voluntary 2021 Membership dues right now so you and I can continue educating our fellow Americans about the liberal media’s radical agenda to destroy our nation.

Please, don’t lay my letter to you aside without renewing your 2021 MRC Membership TODAY!

Brent Bozell
MRC Founder and President
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