Dear Fellow Conservative,
I urgently need you to deepen your commitment to fighting the fake news media and Big Tech by becoming a Member of our monthly giving program — The Patriot Fund — today.
As you know, the leftist media have always used their outsized influence to try steering elections to fit their left-wing agenda.
But that power increased exponentially in 2020. We saw the media ally with Big Tech — Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube — to censor stories and hide the truth about Donald Trump and Joe Biden before Election Day.
This blatant media censorship kept Americans in the dark about the critical issues at the heart of the 2020 presidential campaign. Voters were denied the vital information they needed to make informed decisions at the ballot box.
But the theft of the voters’ choice in the last election was just the beginning of the media’s assault on our freedom.
The liberal media and Big Tech are determined to destroy the conservative movement. They banned Donald Trump — while he was the sitting President of the United States — from their platforms.
And unless we fight back, they will increasingly ban conservatives from social media, ruin our lives, and even get us fired from jobs. In short, the media and Big Tech will destroy us.
That’s why I hope you will become a Member of the MRC Patriot Fund today.
Joining the MRC Patriot Fund is the best way you can defend conservatism, fight the Big Media-Big Tech alliance, and defend American freedom in the crucial months ahead.
Because of patriots like you, we’re the only organization in the entire conservative movement with the ability to neutralize the leftist media. But we are at an almost overwhelming funding disadvantage documenting, exposing, and neutralizing the agenda of the leftist “news” media while educating the American public.
YES, Brent, to help the Media Research Center fight liberal media bias, I’m joining the Patriot Fund today by pledging my tax-deductible monthly gift:
P.S. Please say “YES” to my invitation to join the MRC Patriot Fund today. Your monthly gift is the most powerful way to reach millions of Americans with the TRUTH about the liberal media and Big Tech’s dangerous plans to silence conservatives and destroy the conservative movement.
P.P.S. And don’t forget, as a new Patriot Fund Member you will receive:
⇒ A classic American flag lapel pin.
⇒ Our monthly newsletter, The Watchdog, with all the latest examples of media bias.
Please join today!
Media Research Center
1900 Campus Commons Drive, Suite 600
Reston, VA 20191
Toll Free: (800) 672-1423