Emergency Petition:
Investigate the Media’s Election Tampering!
To: My U.S. Senators
Whereas, the media has become nothing more than a propaganda tool for radical Left organizations and politicians — spewing lies and disinformation to the American people, and;
Whereas, the media suppressed clear evidence that Joe Biden used his office as Vice President during the Obama administration to unlawfully aid the business dealings of his son, Hunter, in Ukraine and China, and;
Whereas, 17% of Joe Biden voters say they would not have voted for him had they known of the information the media and their Big Tech allies covered up, which resulted in the media deciding the fate of the 2020 presidential election, and;
Whereas, these actions by the media are potential election law violations that must be investigated and prosecuted;
Therefore, I DEMAND that you call for a full, independent investigation into so-called news organizations to fully investigate the corrupt election tampering by the media in the 2020 election — and report the TRUTH to the American people!