Whereas, Critical Race Theory is rooted in Marxism and teaches that America is a fundamentally racist country, prioritizes the color of one’s skin over the content of their character, and encourages racial division, and
Whereas, public schools across America, with the backing of the corrupt “news” media and Big Tech, have embraced this harmful, anti-American ideology, and
Whereas, too few parents know the truth about Critical Race Theory because the liberal media and Big Tech are determined to censor the truth about this harmful rhetoric and the impact it’s having on the nation’s children, and
Whereas, Deep State bureaucrats, powerful teachers’ unions, and socialist organizations are determined to force Critical Race Theory on our kids, even when parents and elected officials object, and
Whereas, brainwashing our children and grandchildren with these lies will result in the next generation of Americans turning against each other, a return to the days of racial segregation, and the destruction of the United States as we know it,
Therefore, I strongly urge you not to bend to Marxist pressure and do everything in your power to keep this radical indoctrination training out of our classrooms and every part of our government.
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