Dear Fellow Conservative,
I rushed you an important letter for one reason: We’re facing a dire emergency.
Many of the MRC’s long-timer Members are struggling due to the weakening economy and haven’t been able to renew their memberships for 2023.
This means we could soon be facing a severe budget shortfall right when corporate media and Big Tech social media are committed to destroying our country.
I’m asking you to please send a special urgent contribution today to ensure we don’t lose an inch of traction in this important battle against the Leftist media.
I promise I wouldn’t ask this of you if I weren’t convinced that receiving your contribution is essential to keep us running on all cylinders at this critical time for our nation.
It’s clear the corporate media despise the everyday patriotic men and women who are the backbone of this country.
You saw that most recently with the media’s outrageous coverage of the train derailment and ecological disaster in East Palestine, Ohio.
Leftist journalists hate East Palestine because it’s a small working class community that overwhelmingly supported Donald Trump.
In fact, left-wing hate-monger Joy Behar of ABC’s The View even proclaimed that the residents got what they deserved because they supported President Trump.
YES, Brent! I’m rushing you my tax-deductible emergency gift today:
Yet even worse is that no so-called “journalist” — at ABC, any other liberal network or any major publication — criticized Behar’s vile attack on the people of East Palestine.
This media silence is a dead giveaway that the liberal elites who dominate America’s newsrooms share Behar’s utter contempt for the people of East Palestine — as well as people like them all across our nation.
And you can bet corporate media will use their immense power to increasingly normalize the persecution of everyday conservatives now that the 2024 presidential campaign cycle has started.
So if you love America, please rush me your special emergency gift TODAY.
Remember that conservatives like you are already being targeted in the media’s relentless propaganda campaign.
They’re determined to force Critical Race Theory, forced vaccine mandates, transgenderism, open borders, bloated federal government programs, abortion on demand and cultural Marxism on our country…and on YOU!
That’s why I urgently need your renewed support to fight the fake news media’s scheme to make conservatives and conservatism unacceptable to the broader public.
They are bound and determined to use lies and censorship to “shape” public opinion.
As you know, the MRC never endorses or opposes political candidates or parties. We never take sides in elections.
But the leftists controlling corporate media and Big Tech have taken sides.
They are protecting Joe Biden and his failed presidency at all costs. They are smearing conservatives as racists and bigots. And they’ve invented the term “Christian Nationalists” as a way to attack all of Christianity and its crucial role in our nation’s founding.
I’m counting on you to send your special emergency contribution IMMEDIATELY by filling out the form to the right.
Your Membership renewal gift will help us document and expose the unhinged hatred the corporate media are hurling at conservatives, such as…
Will the left-wing press and their Big Tech allies get away with smearing conservatives until every conservative voice is removed from the public square?
Or will you and I continue documenting, exposing, and neutralizing the corporate media and Big Tech’s lying and censorship and reach more of our fellow Americans with the TRUTH about their radical agenda?
My dear Friend, your action today will help answer those questions.
You’re a vital part of everything we do. So please, support our important work again today and rush back your emergency gift immediately!
Brent Bozell
MRC Founder and President
Media Research Center
1900 Campus Commons Drive, Suite 600
Reston, VA 20191
Toll Free: (800) 672-1423