Dear Fellow Patriot,

I recently sent you a important package to make you aware that PBS is running one of the biggest “bait-and-switch” scams I've ever seen.

The bait is that PBS receives taxpayer funding and promises to provide news coverage that’s strictly unbiased. Which it should since Americans all across the political spectrum help pay for its existence.

But then PBS makes the switch. Its news coverage advances the radical Left agenda of bigger government, higher taxes, Critical Race Theory, and teaching transgenderism to school children.

In fact, your support helped Media Research Center (MRC) publish a new study that shows PBS news coverage viciously attacks and smears conservatives.

For example, your partnership helped the MRC examine PBS’s flagship newscast, NewsHour, in the first few months after Republicans took control of the U.S. House of Representatives. Our study finds that PBS NewsHour:

  • Promoted controversies involving congressional Republicans more thanthose involving congressional Democrats — by a stunning 5-to-1 margin!
  • Heavily skewed discussions of vital issues such as gun rights and illegal immigration against Republicans.
  • Frequently smeared Republicans as extremists (by calling them “far right,” “hard right,” etc.) — but never labeled left-wing Democrats as extremists.
  • Slammed Republicans with news coverage that was a whopping 85% negative — compared to coverage of Democrats that was 54% positive.
That’s just the beginning of the rampant bias that the MRC has uncovered at
PBS. And the arrogant executives at PBS think they can get away with pushing the leftist agenda because they always have.
But no more! With your support, the MRC is launching The PBS Project. This is our new five-year campaign to expose PBS news coverage in the eyes of the nation, and then ultimately see Congress defund the organization of all taxpayer money.

Through The PBS Project, you and I will use every weapon in the MRC’s vast arsenal to alert hundreds of millions of Americans to PBS’s far-Left propaganda in reporting news. This is critical to exposing the bias in PBS’s news coverage in the eyes of the nation.

In fact, one of the MRC’s generous donors is so concerned about PBS that he is putting up a special Matching Gift Challenge to help fund The PBS Project. This donor will match every gift we receive by October 14 dollar-for-dollar up to $100,000.

This means any contribution you send today will be matched and DOUBLED in value — going twice as far in the fight against PBS.

Moreover, if we can raise $100,000 by the deadline date — and I know we can, with your help — we will put a total of $200,000 to work in The PBS Project.

Put simply, it’s up to you and me to make sure the American people know the truth about how PBS spreads leftist propaganda through its news coverage.

Remember, we have an opportunity to pump a total of $200,000 into The PBS Project if our $100,000 Matching Gift Challenge is successful.

Please fill out the form on the right and send back to me by October 14 with your most generous tax-deductible gift right now. And remember every gift you make will be doubled!

With your support today, I’m confident we’ll succeed. Together, we can expose the dire threat PBS news coverage poses to this country. But time is CRITICAL.


Brent Bozell
Founder and President
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