INSTRUCTIONS: Please indicate if you agree, disagree, or are not sure about the following statements by marking the appropriate option with a checkmark. If you are undecided on any specific statement, leave it blank and go on to the next question. Your survey will be tabulated with those received from around the United States by analysts at the Media Research Center.
3. For this reason, most leftist journalists view America’s founding as flawed and the U.S. Constitution as out-of-date.
4. The leftist media endorses the radical LGBTQ+ agenda, including teaching transgenderism to kindergarten and elementary school children.
7. The leftist media deliberately portray mainstream conservatives as not caring about poor children, the elderly, and the downtrodden.
11. Most in the leftist media believe the government should decide how much of your own money you can keep.
13. The leftist media attack the America First movement, which is made up of peaceful, law-abiding, taxpaying citizens because they see it as a threat to the Left.
14. The leftist media are covering up the globalist Washington-Wall Street cabal, which is intent on transforming our Constitutional Republic into a socialist dictatorship.
17. The leftist media deliberately portray anyone believing in traditional marriage and religious liberty as bigoted and homophobic.
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